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Topics: Diseases

Discovery Health Medical Scheme notes an increase in young people diagnosed with chronic high blood pressure (hypertension)

Discovery Health Medical Scheme notes an increase in young people diagnosed with chronic high blood pressure (hypertension)

“This World Hypertension Day and May Measure Month, Discovery Health encourages everyone to make regular blood pressure checks a priority,” says Dr Noluthando Nematswerani, Chief Clinical officer at Discovery Health. “Blood pressure checks are a very quick and easy way to know one’s risk of chronic high blood pressure - also called hypertension.”
‘May Measure Month’ is a global blood pressur

Discovery Health Medical Scheme data shows over R3.2 billion paid for cancer treatment in 2023

Discovery Health Medical Scheme data shows over R3.2 billion paid for cancer treatment in 2023

Regular cancer screening is lifesaving - the earlier you catch cancer, the better your outcomes
With World Cancer Day commemorated every year on 4 February, latest claims data from Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) shows an improvement in cancer screening rates following the dip noted during the pandemic period from 2020 to 2022. For the most part they have returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Vitality Health International’s inaugural V-Talk session ignites critical conversations about malaria: a preventable and treatable disease

Vitality Health International’s inaugural V-Talk session ignites critical conversations about malaria: a preventable and treatable disease

Vitality Health International launched its inaugural V-Talk panel discussion last week with the aim of addressing critical health, wellness and economic challenges facing the African continent.
In the V-Talk series, leading experts are invited to identify and implement innovative healthcare solutions that protect, enhance and save lives across the African continent.
The inaugural V-Talk fo

Diabetes and heart disease: Predictive analytics identify future risk to protect health and life span

Diabetes and heart disease: Predictive analytics identify future risk to protect health and life span

Issued on behalf of Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS)
Here’s a potentially life-saving equation: Regular health checks plus innovative predictive analysis equal a good chance of identifying (and subsequently, treating) serious diseases early on. This approach ensures investment into one’s lifespan and health span. How is this being applied to tackling common noncommunicable diseases like d

You could feel perfectly healthy and still have high blood pressure upping your stroke or heart disease risk.

You could feel perfectly healthy and still have high blood pressure upping your stroke or heart disease risk.

When a Vitality Health Check done in early 2021 showed blood pressure readings that were higher than they should have been, 38-year-old Nikash Bagirathi got proactive and went to see his GP.
After more investigation, Nikash was shocked to be diagnosed with hypertension (persistent, elevated blood pressure). "I took comfort in knowing I was with the right doctor and on the right medicine. Many

Will South Africa experience a third wave of COVID-19 infection? If so, when and how severely?

Will South Africa experience a third wave of COVID-19 infection? If so, when and how severely?

There is concern that Easter-break related social events - from religious to family gatherings and travel to busy holiday destinations - will fuel COVID-19 super-spreader events and catalyse a third wave of COVID-19 infection. Discovery Health CEO Ryan Noach explains how our personal behaviour, and that of the people around us, will be a large determinant of which scenario our country experiences.

 In 2018, the Scheme paid a total of R2.6 billion for the treatment of mental health conditions, an amount that has increased by 224% since 2009.

Breaking the Stigma: Why Discovery is introducing a New Mental Wellbeing Programme

Depression will be the world’s leading contributor to the global burden of disease by 2030, based on mental health risk statistics. This is reflected in the latest Discovery Health Healthcare Claims Tracker, which reveals key trends in mental health related claims by members of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS), and confirms that depression is the most prevalent mental health condition.

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