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New research by The George Institute for Global Health reveals the high and unnecessary amount of salt in instant noodles sold around the world.

Instant noodles loaded with salt

New research by The George Institute for Global Health reveals the high and unnecessary amount of salt in instant noodles sold around the world.

Vitality nutrition specialists, with partner Woolworths, heated up the HealthyFood Studio for a taste of what good food choices that easily fit into your life look like.

Vitality food and lifestyle guidelines simplify the way to healthy nutrition

A key part of being healthy, is the food and drinks you have daily. Vitality’s nutrition specialists stay up to date and engage with local and international stakeholders on the latest in food and nutrition science, and combines best practice into guidelines Vitality encourages people to follow for good health.
“Healthy eating need not be boring. For us it’s about showing that healthy nutritio

Announcement of new shared value insurance partnership with Sumitomo Life Insurance Co and SoftBank Corporation

Discovery to introduce Vitality to Japan

Discovery Limited announces a strategic partnership with Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. (Sumitomo Life) and SoftBank Corporation (SoftBank) that will see shared value insurance introduced to the Japanese life insurance market through the joint development and introduction of insurance products incorporated with Vitality, Discovery’s globally recognised wellness programme.

​Announcing new ways to earn Vitality fitness points designed to encourage and reward ongoing physical activity amongst those starting out as well as high-performance and endurance athletes.

Discovery Vitality updates incentives to keep people moving

0 July 2016 - Discovery Vitality today announced that it would be introducing more opportunities to earn fitness points, including new categories for heart rate workouts, from 20 August 2016. The update is designed to encourage people to exercise regularly in a safe way, taking into account feedback from members, while retaining the clinical integrity of the programme.
Vitality is a dynamic pro

Discovery Vitality announced as the Official Wellness Partner of the South African Olympic team for Rio 2016

Discovery Vitality announced as the Official Wellness Partner of the South African Olympic team for Rio 2016

15 July 2016 – Discovery Vitality, South Africa’s leading scientific wellness programme, has been confirmed as the Official Wellness Partner of the South African Olympic team for Rio 2016. Through the sponsorship, Vitality hopes to inspire ordinary South Africans to lead healthier lives.
Shrey Viranna, Discovery Vitality Chief Executive, said; “The Olympic Games is the ultimate platform for ach

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